Friday, March 9, 2018

Week of March 19-20


Welcome back from Spring Break!! I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing week away from school.  It is hard to believe we only have one quarter left of school; however, we still have a lot to learn.  The students were given their new Reading Log on Monday, March 5th, and it will be due Friday, May 4th. The students will complete a reading project in class at the end of April.  

This week, on Monday, we will read a story and discuss the vocabulary and sensory language within the story.  On Wednesday, we will analysis our District Reading Benchmark and discuss together the areas your child needs to focus on to be successful on the STAAR test in May.  We will continue to build our stamina by increasing our in class reading and responding to our reading.  On Friday, we will dissect STAAR-like questions to look at the verbs and try to determine why the author used this type of question.  We will then look at the passages and make connections between the questions and passages.   

Social Studies

This week, we will finish our study of East Asia.   We will be discussing many topics including the Communist Revolution, Bullet Trains, China's Economy, the Three Gorges, the Republic of China, and Japan's Economic Future.  On Tuesday, we will be introducing a new project over the regions of Asia.  Students will be working in groups and will create a real estate ad for their region in which they are assigned.  Students will research the physical features, climate, natural resources, bodies of water, etc.  They will have to list three positive reasons why people would want to live in the region and list two hardships people might face living in the region.  Students will have to include three hand drawn illustrations to go on the real estate ad.  Each group will present their ad to the class. This project will be done at school in class.  

***A note from Ms. Taylor

I just want to thank you for all the sweet cards, beautiful bouquets of flowers, candy and snacks, gift cards, etc. that I received for my birthday.  I appreciate everything that I received.  Thank you for making my day special.