Friday, April 6, 2018

Week of April 9-13

This week, we have the privilege of having one of our District Literacy Coaches, Mark Smith, here to guide our reading classes through several different STAAR-like review lessons and games.  We will also spend majority of the week on our last research writing assignment.  The students will work on this assignment throughout the week, and it will be due Monday, April 16th for a major grade.  They will be required to research their topic, compose a writing masterpiece, and create a media component to display their findings.  

Please make sure your child is reading every evening and recording their books on their reading log.  Their reading logs will be do Friday, May 4th for a major grade.  The week of April 23rd, the students will be completing their last reading project in class.

Read Works: Playing with Sounds
Vocabulary: Unit 13: Read pgs. 164-165; Complete Vocabulary in Context & Completing the Sentence
Social Studies
This week, we will be continuing our unit on South Asia.  Some topics we will explore are Hinduism, traditions, daily life, popular culture, democracy, economic growth, and the Golden Quadrilateral.  Students will complete activities such as making travel brochures and completing reading notes to display what they have learned.
This week, we will introduce our next writing project.  Students will be given a list of topics to choose to research.  They will research their topic and write a research paper.  They will also create a media presentation using the information from their research.  In grammar, we will be working with direct objects and indirect objects