Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 16-20


This week on Monday, our students will be presenting their slideshow they created to display their research paper information to the other classes.  On Tuesday, we will be taking a District Math Benchmark and on Wednesday, we will be taking a Release Reading STAAR test. We will be "running" these days just like the "real" STAAR days.  We would like for our students, especially our new students to get the feel of what those kind of testing days feel like before the actually testing days come.  On Friday, we will continue to work on paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting text.  Our students will also continue to reading independently to build their stamina in reading.


Please continue to read daily and record your books on your Reading Log which is due on Friday, May 4th.  The students will be completing their reading project for their reading log the week of April 23rd.  This will be completed at school for a major grade.

Read Works: Tea Time!
Vocabulary: Unit 13: Choosing the Right Word, Synonyms, & Antonyms
Both are due Friday, April 20th  
Social Studies

This week on Tuesday, students will be taking a math benchmark test.  We will resume social studies on Thursday the 19th.  We will finish our unit on South Asia.  Our final topics are the impact of urbanization, Pakistan's changing government, and fighting poverty in Bangladesh.  Students will complete reading notes as we read these sections.

Last week, students started a research project on a topic they chose.  They were required to write a research paper on their topic and create 5-10 slides on Google Slides highlighting information from their research.  Both portions of the project are this Monday.

This week in grammar, we will cover prepositions and prepositional phrases.