Thursday, January 25, 2018

Week of January 29th - February 2nd


This week, we will explore through a variety of stories using many reading skills.  We will look at plot development and point-of-view in different stories.  We will compare and contrast the historical and cultural settings of two literary works.  We will end the week by defining and being able to recognize dialect of characters and be able to explain how authors use dialect to convey character.  We will compare the use of dialect and conversations within a story.  Each day, we will complete various activities to display our understanding of each skills. We will also continue to read in our reading groups daily and use our "taught" skills with our independent reading book.


Vocabulary: Unit 9: students need to complete Synonyms, Antonyms, and
                   Completing the Sentence sections
Read Works: Read and answer the questions for "Growing Up in Darfur"
Both assignments due Friday, February 2nd.

Social Studies

This week in Social Studies, we will continue studying Europe.  We will be discussing Nationalism, WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. This week, students will also continue working  on their project on Europe.  Last week, they chose a country in Europe in which to study.  They are gathering selected information on their country and will display it in a Coat of Arms.  This project will be completed in class and will be due on February 6th. It will be taken as a major grade in Social Studies.


Last week, students began writing a Historical Fiction Narrative based on a historical event that took place in the country they are researching.   This is an extension to the Coat of Arms project.  The final drafts will also be due on February 6th. It will be taken as a major grade in Language Arts.

In grammar, we will continue working with adjectives.  Topics this week include Demonstrative and Interrogative adjectives.