Friday, January 19, 2018

Week of January 22 - 26


On Monday, we will have a Reading Common Assessment.  This test will be over our recent skills that we have been learning in class.  Common Assessments are not a test students can study for, it measures their comprehension over the taught skills and give teachers awareness of where the students "are" academically.  It also provides data for teachers of areas of concern or skills that need to be retaught.  On Wednesday, we will review the Common Assessment, discuss answers, and strategies used on the assessment.  Wednesday is also our library book, so please check around the house for any book that could be overdue and please send them.  On Friday, we will celebrate reading by having our monthly Read-in!! Students will read and work on any reports that they need to work on for their Reading Project that is due Friday, March 2nd. 


Read Works: read article: City of Broken Records: answer questions
Vocabulary: Unit 9: read pages 108-109, draw pictures for words, complete
                  sections: Choose the Right Word & Vocabulary in Context

All homework due on Friday, January 26th...please have your child continue to read every evening and record their completed books on their Reading Logs.

Social Studies

This week in Social Studies, we will continue studying Europe.  We will be discussing The Republic of Rome, the Roman Empire, the Middle ages, Renaissance and Reformation.  We will also read about European Exploration, the Industrial Revolution, and the French Revolution.  This week, students will also start on a project on Europe.  They will choose a country in Europe in which to study.  They will gather selected information on their country and display it in a Coat of Arms.  This project will be completed in class and will be due on February 6th. It will be taken as a major grade in Social Studies.


As an extension to the Coat of Arms project, students will be writing a Historical Fiction Narrative based on a historical event that took place in the country they are researching.   The final drafts will also be due on February 6th. It will be taken as a major grade in Language Arts.

In grammar, we will continue working with adjectives.  Topics this week include Using Nouns as  Adjectives and Using Pronouns as Adjectives