Thursday, May 10, 2018

Week of May 14-18


We are so excited for your child to take the STAAR tests this week. They have worked so hard all year learning at such a higher rigor and pushing themselves to reach a mastery level of their comprehension.  We know they will do a fine job on their tests Monday and Tuesday.  Please make sure they get plenty of rest and have a well balanced breakfast both mornings.  Also, please make sure they dress comfortable and bring a light jacket.  The building is usually a little cooler on testing days.

Even though we have STAAR, the students will still have Read Works homework.  Read Works: Read article: How Soccer Can Help Us Learn Physics and answer questions-due Friday, May 18th. 
Social Studies

Due to the STAAR testing on Monday and Tuesday, we will only have social studies on Thursday.  On Thursday, May 24th, students will be taking a social studies benchmark.  This Thursday, students will receive a study guide for the benchmark.  We will work in class to prepare for the test, however, students will still need to study each night for the test.  


This week, we will be learning how to properly place modifiers in sentences.
Monday and Tuesday are STAAR testing days.  Please be sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast on these days.  Students should also wear comfortable clothes.