Friday, December 1, 2017

December 4-8


This week will be a little different due to our Social Studies presentations, District Math Benchmark assessment, and our persuasive essays.  We will continue to have our reading groups and reflection time, but most rest of our class time with be spent on our students working on their persuasive essays.  


Read Works article: Early People in the Central American Land Bridge: students should read article and answer questions by Friday, December 8th @ 8am. 
Vocabulary: Review 4-6: Students should read page 80, complete pages 81, 82, 83 and 87, which will be due Friday, December 8th.  
Please continue to have your child read each evening at home.

Social Studies

Next week, the students will be very busy!  Students will be putting on their finishing touches to their South America projects and preparing to present.  Each student will present their two countries that they researched either with a Google Presentation or a poster.  We look forward to hearing their presentations and all the interesting things they have learned!


Students will be working on their persuasive essays.  Each student will be writing an essay either persuading their readers to visit one of the South American countries they researched or to buy the product they are creating ads for in their reading classes.   We also look forward to reading these essays and seeing how the kids incorporated their knowledge from other assignments in a persuasive format.